
Obama Recommits to Net Neutrality

For proponents of net neutrality, the fear has been that President Obama, a longtime ally, would break with his previous commitment. This week, he...

Fight Over Net Neutrality Gets Racial

The big-time battle over net neutrality just took on a racial twist as Oakland-based Color of Change called out 10 members of the Congressional...

The Open Access Interviews: Deputy Director General of the Bureau of Policy at the National Natural Science Foundation of China

On May 15 both the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) announced new open access policies....

Wiley Urges Us Congress to “fix” Kirtsaeng

At a rare New York-based Congressional hearing, Wiley president and CEO Stephen Smith told members of the House Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and...

Elsevier’s New Api Approach to Content Mining Should Be Avoided By All Librarians

Some arguments below suggest that mining is better and easier with Elsevier’s APIs. This is an untested assertion. There are many Free and Open...

In Win for Libraries, Court Rules Database of Google-scanned Books is “fair Use”

The Authors Guild has lost yet another legal battle in a long-running dispute over who can access digital copies of library books created under...

After John Oliver’s Net Neutrality Rant: 22,000 Comments and Site Overload

John Oliver called for his viewers to rise up against the Federal Communications Commission’s proposed net neutrality rules at the end of an epic,...

NSA Collects Millions of Images Each Day for Facial Recognition

Written and audio messages aren’t the only forms of communication the government appears to be gobbling up. The National Security Agency is collecting “huge numbers”...

Content Mining Will Be Legal in Uk

Early last week the UK House of Lords passed the final stages of a Statutory Instrument with exceptions to copyright… Those with legitimate access...

Model License: Draft Discussion Document Available, Comments Requested

  The LIBLICENSE Model License has been available for the past few weeks as a Draft Discussion Document for comment. It may be read...